PhD, M.S. (Gen. Surgery), FMAS, FIGE
GI Endoscopy, ERCP & Laparoscopic Surgery.
A-1, Medical Colony, AMU, Aligarh -202002 (U.P.) India
Professor Mohammad Habib Raza passed his high school from Bishop WestCott Boys School, Ranchi in 1974. He joined Aligarh Muslim University in 1975. He was awarded University medal for standing first in the Pre-Medical examination of Aligarh Muslim University in 1977. He did his MBBS from Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University in 1982. He did his post-graduation (M.S. General Surgery) in 1986 .He was awarded PhD in Surgery in 2019. The Topic of his PhD thesis was Correlation between p53 gene polymorphism and H. pylori infection in endoscopic biopsies of suspected cases esophageal cancer. He joined the teaching faculty of Aligarh Muslim University as Lecturer in 1988. He was appointed as Reader in Aligarh Muslim University in 1998 and Professor of Surgery in 2006.He was the Chairman of the department of surgery, Aligarh Muslim University from 2012 to 2015. He joined Sebha University, Libya, on leave from his parent institution in 1995, where he worked as Associate Professor and Professor of surgery for three years. He also worked in Saudi Arabia as a Surgical Specialist in King Faisal Hospital, Taif under the Ministry of Health. He has keen interest in teaching both undergraduates and post graduates. He has more than thirty four years of teaching experience in India and abroad. He is on the panel of examiners for multiple universities across the country and abroad. He is a regular examiner for Union Public Service commission and other state public service commissions. He has conducted Medical council inspection both for MBBS and Post graduate courses.
He has published 72 papers in International and National Journals. He has written 05 Chapters in text books and presented 39 papers in International and National Conferences. He has attended 104 International / National conferences as Faculty/Delegate. He has supervised 29 Thesis for the award of MS and MD degree and 04 are ongoing. He was given Young Outstanding Surgical Teacher Award at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 2007.He has been awarded Eminent Senior Surgical Teacher Award by the UP Association of Surgeons of India in 2019 and International Best Researcher award, ISSN Awards in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India in 2024.
He was the pioneer in establishing Laparoscopic Surgery and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy units at Aligarh Muslim University in 2004. He along with Professor Madad Ali from USA were instrumental in starting ERCP and therapeutic gastro intestinal endoscopic procedures at Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh. His Research interests include Helicobacter pylori infection and its role in different disease states and Etiopathogenesis of esophageal cancer and cancer prevention strategies. He has been an outstanding athlete and sportsperson during his school days and university life. He was elected member of Academic Council for two terms and is a member of the Ordinance Committee of Aligarh Muslim University. He is also a member of various Scientific bodies and Associations like Association of Surgeons of India (ASI), Society of Endo laparoscopic Surgeons of India (SELSI) etc. He is the member of the Editorial board of various International Journals.
- Publication
1. Raza MI, Raza MH, Varshney L, Abhinava K. Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma of the anterior abdominal wall. Indian J Case Reports. 2024;10(11):361-363. DOI: 10.32677/ijcr.v10i11.4737
2. Raza MH, Raza MI, Akhtar MS, Qadri S. Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the abdomen: A rare clinical presentation. Indian J Case Reports. 2023;9(4):116-118 DOI:10.32677/ijcr.v9i4.3885
3. Prof. Mohammad Habib Raza, Dr. Sadik Husain. Endoscopy in developing countries during covid-19 pandemic and the emergency of omicron variants. IOSR-JDMS. Vol. 21, No. 7 (2022): 57-59. DOI: 10.9790/0853-2107025759
4. Akhtar MS, Alam P, Alvi Y, et al. Intraoperative Predictors of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: AMU Scoring System. World J Lap Surg 2021;14(2):114–118. Doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1454
5. Dr. Iram Abid, Dr. Sadiq Husain, Prof. Mohammad Habib Raza, et. al. “Are Fungi Responsible For Higher Mortality In Perforation Peritonitis? Correlation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) In Fungal Positive Cases.”IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 20(04), 2021, pp. 05-09. DOI: 10.9790/0853-2004080509
6. Dr. Sadik Akhtar. Dr. Shekhar S Jadon, Prof. Mohammad Habib Raza. “Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in North Indian Population, By Two Different Diagnostic Modalities.’’ IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 20(09), 2021, pp. 01-05. DOI: 10.9790/0853-2009110105
7. Akhtar MS, Alim SS, Raza MH, Ali WM. Role of seton versus conventional techniques in the management of anorectal fistulas. Int Surg J 2020;7:2235-40. DOI:10.18203/2349-2902.isj20202828
8. Raza MH, Finan R, Akhtar S, Ahmad M. Primary Enterolith in a Patient with Intestinal Tuberculosis: A Case Report. Iran J Med Sci. 2016;41(6):552-556.
9. Akhtar, M. S., Mani, S. K., Alvi, Y., Alam, P., Rizvi, S. A. A., & Raza, M. H. (2019). Desarda’s versus Lichtenstein technique of inguinal hernia repair: a comparative study. International Surgery Journal, 6(10), 3719–3726.
10. Akhtar MS, Ali WM, Khan TA, Raza MH, Ahmed M. Index Admission Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gall Stone Pancreatitis. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2016;2(2):148-52.
11. Mohd. Habib Raza, Rafiul Imad Finan, Sadik Akhtar. Primary Enterolith in a Patient of Intestinal Tuberculosis. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. Vol 41, No 6 (2016): 552-556.
12. What us evidence based medicine? Raza M.H, Surgery; 17 (22), 2-4.
13. Giant calculus in ileal neo-ureter constructed for iatrogenic complete ureteric avulsion: a case report and review of literature.A Akhtar , M H raza. Arch clin expsurg;2017; 649-52
14. Raza M.H., Helicobacter pylori –Protective or Causative Agent in Oesophageal Cancer? 2016; J Anesth Surgery,3(2):169-170.
15. Mohd. Habib Raza, Rafiul Imad Finan, Sadik Akhtar: Primary Enterolith in a Patient Of Intestinal Tuberculosis. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. Vol 41, No 6 (2016): 552-556.
16. Mohammad Habib Raza, Nazia Umme Habiba, Shahzad Faizul HaqueA randomized controlled trial comparing endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) alone versus endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) plus non-selective ?-blocker (Proponolol) in the secondary prophylaxis of variceal haemmorrhage. Surgery: Vol-31, 35; 2016
17. Yadav N, Rehman S, Ansari HA, Mehdi G, Raza MH. Molluscum contagiosum: Unusual presentation and diagnosis on cytology. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015;4:37880.
18. Carcinoma rectum : changing scenario oration . M H raza; surgery volume 31-35 ,2016.
19. AZ Rab, MH Raza. Occult malignancy of gallbladder in patient undergoing elective cholecystectomy. Bio notes 2014; 16(1): 4-6.
20. Trauma Update – 2013, Surgery:- Vol-26, 2013
21. Isolated hydatid cyst of the breast – a case report. N I kamali , M H raza, A Z rab , M S Akhtar I J SURGERY 2013
22. “Cholecysto- pyloric fistula with gastric outlet obstruction”, a rare form of gallstone ileus and management. Prof. M H Raza, Dr. M Sadik Akhtar, Surgery,2013 Vol 25(30); 40-42
23. A clinical and microbiological study of diabetic foot patients at JNMC, AMU, Aligarh. Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Prof. M H Raza. Surgery, 2013, Vol26(31): 32-37
24. Trichobezoar in a young women: A case report. Prof M H Raza, Dr. M Sadik Akhtar, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad. Surgery 2013, Vol 26(31): 40-44
25. Radiological Quiz. Prof. M H Raza, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad. Surgery, 2013, Vol 25(30); 46-47
26. The Role of Chromoendoscopy in the diagnosis of Upper Gastro intestinal diseases. Raza MH, Sherwani R, Khan F. Surgery, 2012, Vol 23(28): 18-20
27. Radiological Quiz. Raza MH, Shahbaz Alam. Surgery, 2012, Vol 23(28): 46-47.
28. Mohd Sadik Akhtar, Wasif Mohammad Ali, Tausif Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Habib Raza. Index Admission Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gall Stone Pancreatitis. Annals of International Medical and Research.
29. Mohammad Habi Raza, AZ Rab, et al. Necrotizing fasciitis at JN Medical College, Aligarh: A 2 years experience. Surgery: Vol-22, 27;2011
30. Medico-legal aspects of penetrating abdominal trauma. Saeed S, Raza MH. Surgery, 2011, Vol 22(27):33-36.
31. Prevalence of H. Pylori infection in patients undergoing upper G.I. endoscopy and relationship of H. Pylori infection with common upper G.I disorders. Raza MH, wahab. S. Khan F.A. Surgery: 2010. Vol 20,25:38-42
32. Code of conduct for doctors and professional association of doctors in their relationship with pharmaceutical companies. Raza MH, Surgery 2010, Vol 20, 25: 7-9.
33. Day Care Surgery. Raza M.H, Surgery: 2008 18, 28-1-4
34. An experience with 1000 appendicectomies at King Faisal Hospital, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alam K, Maheswari, V Zafar. V Haque ME, Raza MH, Surgery: 2008; 18, 13-18.
35. Giant Primary mesenteric liposarcoma: A rare case report. Khan N, Afroz N, Fatima U, Raza MH, Rab AZ, Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2007, Vol. 50, No. 4, 787-789.
36. What us Evidence based medicine? Raza M.H, Surgery; 17 (22), 2-4.
37. Role of low dose midazolam - ketamine Combination in minor Surgical procedures under Local anaesthsia. Usmani H, Ali WM, Raza M.H., Aslam M, Nasreen F, Amir S.H. Surgery; 2007, 17 (22)
38. Telemedicine - why do we need it? Raza M.H., Surgery, 2006 16,2-3.
39. Recurrent Perineal Neurofibroma. Raza MH, Rab A.Z, Rehmani B, Abrari A, Kumar R, Surgery; 2006, 16,39-40.
40. Nosocomial infection, Doctor, please wash your hands! Raza MH, Surgery, 2005, 15,2-4.
41.Serum Immunoglobulin levels in Non-Diabetics, Diabetics and Diabetics with Surgical Complications. Raza M.H. Ibrahim A.M. Eshnaf. Sebha Medical Journal, Libya, 1999, Vol.2(1), 33 37.42. Biliary Cystadenoma Mimicking Hydatid Cyst. Raza M.H., Rab A.Z., Khan S., Ahmad R. The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2009, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 199-20043. Rectal Barotrauma Causing Colonic Perforation: A Rare Case Report. Harris S.H. Raza M.H. The Middle East Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2003, Vol. 3(1), 13144. Crohns Disease of the Colon: Difficulties in the diagnosis. Ashraf S.M., Raza M.H., Sebha Medical Journal, Libya, 1999, Vol. 2(1), 64-65.45. Surgical Sympathectomy in Advanced Buergers disease (Abstract Raza M., Taqeer M., Saadiya S. JIMA of North America- 1993 (25) 132.46. Biliary peritonitis due to rupture of Intra-hepatic duct. Raza M.H., Hussain M.A, Postgraduate Med. Journal, 1992, 490.47. Coeliac plexus block in patients with intractable Abdominal Pain Raza M.H. Proceedings of the Conference of the Royal College of Surgeon and Physicians (Glasgow) 1992,282-286.48. Gentamicine induced dose related alterations in lipid levels and lipid peroxidation in central auditory pathway of the rat. Aslam M.H., Khan N.A, Raze MH, Exp. Pathol. 1990; 38; 165-169.49. Primary Osteogenic Sarcoma of the maxilla. Aslam M., Raza M.H., Tyagi S.P. Pakistan Jr. of Otolarygology, 1988, 4, 103¬105.50. Chemical sympathecomy for thromboangitis obliterans, Comparison with Surgical Sympathectomy. Usmani G, Khan F.A, Raza MH, Qaudir A, Bano S, Siddiqui MMH, Surgery; 2005, 28-31.51. Serum biochemical Markers in the prognostication of breast cancer. Harris S.H., Verma A.K. Khan R, Raza M.H., Anees A, Surgery; 2005, 15, 24-27.52. An epidemiological and Medicolegal Study of Non-penetrating injuries of the abdomen at J.N. medical college, Hospital, Aligarh. Saeed S, Rizvi SJ, Raze MH. Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2005, 22 (2), 34-37.53. Clinico-Pathological study of Colo-rectal cancer at King Faisal Hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia. Mahfouz SA, Raza MH, Babahir, Manzoor, Alam K, Ershad. Indian Medical Gazett; 2004, Vol. CXXXVIII, 4, 171-175.54. Laparoscopic Vs Open Cholecystectomy - An early experience. Raza MH, Harris SH, Khan MA. Indian Medical Gazette; 2003, CXXXVI, 7, 251-253. 55. Accidental Discovery of Bleeding Gastric Leiomyoma in patient with intr-uterine fetal death. Raza mH, Sebha Medical Journal, 1998, Vol. 1(3), 138-139.56. Hydatid Cyst of the Parotid - A rare clinical entity. Raza M.H., Aslam M, Saadiya S. Ind. Med. Gazette, 1994, Vol. CXXVIII, No.3, 106-108.57. Ciprofloxacin versus a combination of Ampicillin and Gentamycin in Severe Abdominal infection. Raza M.H., Varshney G.P. Indian Med Gazette, 1992, CXXVI, No.7, 198-202.58. Prolapse of small intestine through Vaginal introitus, Raza M.H., Saadiya S., Ashraf S.M. Jr of Ind. Med. Assoc., 1993(10) 274.59. Primary Eving’s Sarcoma of theTerminal Phalanx - A case report, Ashraf S.M. Raza M.H., Aziz Mehr, Bhat F., Indian Med Gazette, 1993, Vol. CXXVIII, No.8, 263-265.60. A rare Association of Multiple Simple Cyst, Calculus and Maliganancy of the Kidney. Raza M.H., Ashraf S.M. Bhat F. Indian Med Gazette; 1992, CXXXVI, 9, 281-28261. Incidence of Cancer Breast at Aligarh. Hussain M.A., Ali S., Tyagi S.P, Raza MH, India, Journal of Indian Medical Association, 1992, Vol. 12, 1, 1994.62. Grossly Calcified tunica vaginalis - Diagnostic pitfall in Scrotal Swellins. Khan M.A., Raza M.H., Farooque S. Ind. Jr. of Surgery, 1992 54(8), 383-384.63. Extensive bowel injury following electrical burns Raza MH, Khan M.H., Iqbal J. Indian Jr. of Surgery, 1991, 53 (5), 222-224.64. A rare association o Giant Hydroenphrosis and transitional Cell Carcinoma. Raza MH, Ashraf S.M., Aziz M., Maheshwari V., Journal Indian Med. Assoc., 1991, 89 (9), 277.65. Significance of Serum glycoprotein estimation in acute intestinal obstruction. Haq W., Khan M.A. Ahmad S., Raza M.H., Ind Med. Gazzete, March 1991, 3, 69-72.66. Gas containing giant liver abscess minicking Pyopnemothorax. Raza M.H., Beg M.H., Reyazuddin. Indian J. Chest Dis. & All Science. 1990, Vol. 32, No. 2, 113-115.67. Gall Stone disease, A clinic-pathological study. Raza M.H., Khan M.A., Naim M, Indian Jr. of Surgery, 1990, 52 (9), 415-420.68. Malignant maxillary antral tumors. Khan M.H., Raza M.H., Aslam M., Hasan A., Tyagi S.P. Ind. Jr. of Surgery- 1990, 52 (9), 410-414.69. Failure of conservative surgery in tibial amelo blastoma. Khan A.A. Raza M.H., Iqbal J. Ind. Jr. of Orthopaedics, 1990, 24; 2.70. Pouch Colon Syndrome. Ashraf S.M., Khan M.A., Raza M.H. Indian Paediatrics, 1989,26.71. Scar irritation in chug strauss syndrome, Khan M.H, Raza MH, Naim M. Ind. Jr. of Plastic Surgery - 1986, 19 (2), 103-105.72. Malignant maxillary antral tumors. Khan M.H., Raza M.H., Aslam M., Hasan A., Tyagi S.P. Ind. Jr. of Surgery- 1990, 52 (9), 410-414.