Redressal of Grievances of Students
Redressal of Grievances of Students
The system for redressal of the grievances of the students was in place in the Aligarh Muslim University since the very inception of the University i.e. 1920. Now the University Grants Commission (UGC) through a gazette notification; UGC (Redressal of Grievances of students) Regulations 2023 notified in Gazette of India, via Gazette Notification No-233, dated 11-04-2023, established a uniform system throughout the country for the same purpose. The goal is to provide a transparent system for grievance redressal and to resolve the issues, if any, amicably.
Under the Regulations, a Grievance Committee for redressal of student’s grievances is formed and an Ombudsperson is appointed by the University. Now a student can present his/her grievances to the Committee through this portal. It is hoped that the decision of the Committee regarding a grievance will be sufficient to resolve the issue. However, an aggrieved student may approach the Ombudsperson, through this portal, for a review of the decision of the Grievance Committee.
It is hoped that these arrangements will help to maintain a happy and cordial environment in the campus.
Prof. Qazi Mazhar Ali