
Residential Coaching Academy

Events Held

Events held


  1. Felicitation-cum-Press Conference Program at RCA held on 08.07.2021. Press Release / Photograph
  2. A consultative meeting  was held at RCA on 7th July 2021 at 11:00 am.
  3. Mentors Meet with the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of AMU on 31st August 2018 at 4 pm.
  4. Mock Interview Session for Assam PCS (J) Main Qualifier on 18 & 20 August 2018.
  5. Interactive Session by Mr. Rajen Habib Khwaja IAS, Former Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, New Delhi on 9th July 2018.
  6. Inauguration of New RCA Hostel (under Transit Accommodation) by the Honble Vice-Chancellor of AMU on 11th June 2018.
  7. Mock Interview Session for Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) on 3rd March 2018.
  8. Mock Interview Session for Uttarakhand Judicial Services (Main) Qualifiers on 9th & 10th Feb. 2018.
  9. Orientation Session for SSC-CGLE 2018 Batch on 20th Sept. 2017.
  10. Mock Interview Session for Bihar Judicial Services (Main) Qualifiers on 5th & 6th Oct. 2017.
  11. Mock Interview Session for UP Judicial Services (Main) Qualifiers on 4th, 6th, 8th & 9th Sept. 2017.
  12. Interview Session for Management Trainee in COAL on 3rd & 5th Aug. 2017.
  13. Consultative meeting regarding review functioning and develop mechanism for Equal Opportunity Cell.
  14. Consultative meeting regarding criterion for selection of candidates of Civil/Judicial Services Coaching & Library Membership.
  15. Interactive Session with the Vice-Chancellor held on 02.09.2015.
  16. Consultative meeting regarding work assignment held in the Office of the Director, RCA, 2nd September 2015
  17. Interactive Session with AMU Civil Services Qualifiers (Batch 2015) held on 25.8.2015.
  18. Consultative meeting to discuss and improve the functioning of RCA held on 17.8.2015. 
  19. Interactive Session with the Pro Vice-Chancellor held on 12.8.2015.
  20. Motivational Workshop for Civil Services held on 7th September 2013 (Venue: Kennedy Auditorium).
  21. Motivational Workshop for Civil Services held on 9th March 2013 (Venue: Auditorium of the University Polytechnic).
  22. Motivational Lecture on "Personality Development" by Mr. Jamal Shah, New Delhi held on 29th February, 2012 (Venue: Kennedy Auditorium).
  23. Seminar on "Scope & Mission" by Dr. Shaida Andrabi, Former Chairman, Sir Syed Excellency in Science Awards held on 9th March, 2011 (Venue: Assembly Hall, University Polytechnic).

Felicitation Programme at RCA 2021

Media coverage of Felicitation Programme at RCA-AMU:
Link to watch the media coverage: 

Event Held 2021-22
